mek's updates
Many a time we preach to people that it's normal to make mistakes, because it is also a vital part of the "Success Process".
But when they try and fail, we're the ones that will..
👉Scorn &..
👉Despise them with everything in us.
We fail in our responsibility to give them a lifting hands and a shoulder to lean on, encouraging them to keep pushing. We expect them to be perfect at one trial even when we ourselves didn't.
With this our callous attitude we have driven them into depression and some into an addictive life. Some even committed suicide because they can't bear the shame and pain our callous attitude has put them through.
Listen! If you can't be a bridge for others to pass through, then leave them be.
Don't be a part to the downfall or destruction of others.
Search Your Heart.
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi...âœï¸
You wanna be a millionaire or a Billionaire too?😊
Let me give you a clue!
You need more than hustling to be a millionaire/ billionaire; you need to hustle right.
You also need some reasonable ideas that you can translate into money. Reasonable Ideas can turn you into a multi-millionaire in a short period of time.
It is ideas that turn ordinary men into millionaires and billionaires as we can see and hear around the world today.
Now it's pertinent to note that some of us don't have this kind of ideas that can make us the millionaires and billionaires that we so desire to be, or so to say. (No offense intended)😊
But! There are a lot of people out there with powerful ideas but lacks the necessary resources to bring those ideas into fruition.
That's where your role comes in, sometimes all you need do is to be kind and sincerely show care to the people you meet, both to those you know and those you don't know without any string attached.
The truth is that when you help and show sincere care to people, they are bond to be open to you, they tell you about their plans and the "ideas they have and are nurturing". Then If you're smart enough you can partner with them in anyway possible you can to bring the ideas into fruition and thereby translating the ideas into money, that's where things like co-founder, co-creator, partnership and business associates are established.
Now helping people is good, but helping and working with them in bringing their powerful ideas into fruition is golden cause their ideas can save lives and also make the world a more better place.
Endeavor always to be in the success story of others, it's golden.
I still stand to be corrected though.😊
Have a good evening.
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi...âœï¸..
Life is so fascinating! When one part of the world is enjoying daylight, other parts may be in darkness( Night time) expecting their time of daylight. It is wisdom for those enjoying daylight to be aware and conscious of the fact that every passing hour, they too are gradually walking away from daylight to Night time. What does this natural phenomenon teach us? Some years ago, China, Singapore and Malaysia were the underdogs, today their light has come in terms of development and wealth. Can we say, very soon, those enjoying "daylight"may find themselves dealing with some dark circumstances while those living in obscurity may experience a new dawn? It is a fact of life! Those who understand life's dynamics stay humble in their days of prosperity while ignorant individuals exhibit arrogance. The different seasons of life exist to help create a balance and to permit us learn and acquire the wisdom needed to effectively understand Life's Dynamics.
Dr. Benard Etta..
Its not that your friends are bad or that you are keeping bad friends, No! The question is, what do you people talk or discuss about each time you come together? Do you share ideas on how to be better in your career, education, business, marriage, etc or ideas on how to increase your Net-worth? Do you even share meaningful ideas and come up with solutions of some problems facing the world? The world is in a deep mess and seriously wounded, and needs healing! What are your little contributions to heal the world and make it a better place? Listen! Anything you do aside taking actions is a waste of time. If your friends are not success driving, move away from them. If your friends are not purpose driving, run away from them If your friends are the type that complain about everything around and never offer solution, flee from them If your friends are the type that thinks life is all about enjoyment, go away from them. Life is not all about enjoyment and will never be. If your friends are the type that the sorry state of the world doesn't give a sleepless night, don't stand with them. Finally! If your friends are the type that don't want anything to do with God, fly away from them, staying with them won't end well. Be wise when choosing friends! Wisdom is profitable to direct. #My2cent_advice Marcus Emmanuel Kelechiâœ..
If Opportunity comes to you as a Work, can you be able to Maximize it?
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi
*Here This!*
Destiny helpers ain't only those with big money that can help you financially. No
Destiny is bigger than that.
You must first of all understand what Destiny is before you begin to seek for Destiny helpers.
It's not only about financial support
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi
*Here This!*
Destiny helpers ain't only those with big money that can help you financially. No
Destiny is bigger than that.
You must first of all understand what Destiny is before you begin to seek for Destiny helpers.
It's not only about financial support
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi
The Much Anticipated 2019 is Finally Here.
What Plans Have You?
What Goals Did/Have You Set for The Year 2019?
The Countdown Has Begun Already!
It's A Year Of Decision Making And Taking Up Responsibilities!
The Time Is Now!!
Make The Best Out Of It.
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi
Relationship is very imperative in our lives. This is because it shapes and add values to our lives either negatively or positively. That is why you should always scrutinize every relationship you're into or getting into.
Listen! Relationship is a thing of destiny. Relationship brings destinies alive, relationship can also destroy destinies. Relationships has an impact in our lives.
Ask any successful man or woman about the importance of relationship, and they will gladly tell you the importance of relationship.
Good relationship shapes destiny and add positive values to one's life, while negative relationship ruin your destiny, reduce any positive value left in you and reduce you to nothing.
The scripture clearly states that bad company (relationship) ruins good morals (character).
Don't be deceived, you can't be in a company (relationship) of people that lacks positive values and expect to be a valuable person. People reflect the company (relationship) they keep.
So you should start scrutinizing every relationship you're involved in or getting involved in. Be in a relationship with positive people with positive values. Futuristic people that understands the principles of life. People that will take you away from the state of mediocrity into a new level of knowledge.
I have seen how imperative relationships are.
I have seen how effective positive relationships are!
I have also seen the negative effects of a negative relationship. It's not healthy to one's destiny.
N. B
I'm not talking about "Amorous Relationship" here, but relationships that matters.
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi..