Many a time we preach to people that it's normal to make mistakes, because it is also a vital part of the "Success Process".
But when they try and fail, we're the ones that will..
👉Scorn &..
👉Despise them with everything in us.
We fail in our responsibility to give them a lifting hands and a shoulder to lean on, encouraging them to keep pushing. We expect them to be perfect at one trial even when we ourselves didn't.
With this our callous attitude we have driven them into depression and some into an addictive life. Some even committed suicide because they can't bear the shame and pain our callous attitude has put them through.
Listen! If you can't be a bridge for others to pass through, then leave them be.
Don't be a part to the downfall or destruction of others.
Search Your Heart.
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi...âœï¸