You wanna be a millionaire or a Billionaire too?😊
Let me give you a clue!
You need more than hustling to be a millionaire/ billionaire; you need to hustle right.
You also need some reasonable ideas that you can translate into money. Reasonable Ideas can turn you into a multi-millionaire in a short period of time.
It is ideas that turn ordinary men into millionaires and billionaires as we can see and hear around the world today.
Now it's pertinent to note that some of us don't have this kind of ideas that can make us the millionaires and billionaires that we so desire to be, or so to say. (No offense intended)😊
But! There are a lot of people out there with powerful ideas but lacks the necessary resources to bring those ideas into fruition.
That's where your role comes in, sometimes all you need do is to be kind and sincerely show care to the people you meet, both to those you know and those you don't know without any string attached.
The truth is that when you help and show sincere care to people, they are bond to be open to you, they tell you about their plans and the "ideas they have and are nurturing". Then If you're smart enough you can partner with them in anyway possible you can to bring the ideas into fruition and thereby translating the ideas into money, that's where things like co-founder, co-creator, partnership and business associates are established.
Now helping people is good, but helping and working with them in bringing their powerful ideas into fruition is golden cause their ideas can save lives and also make the world a more better place.
Endeavor always to be in the success story of others, it's golden.
I still stand to be corrected though.😊
Have a good evening.
Marcus Emmanuel Kelechi...âœï¸