*The Supreme Task* (IV)
_Key Bible Text:_
*"And Jesus went on to say, "And so I tell you: make friends for yourselves with worldly wealth, so that when it gives out, you will be welcomed in the eternal home."* (Luke 16:9 (GNB))
_Bible Insight:_
Now let us look at another word in our motto, the word “supreme†“The supreme task of the Church is the evangelization of the worldâ€.
If world evangelization is our most important work, then when a missionary convention is held we should lay everything else aside and be present at every session, otherwise we are putting something else first, and we do not believe that it is more important than anything else. We show by our actions that we put missions second. {Probably last now}
In the second place, if world evangelization comes first, then we should concentrate on giving to missions and let others who do not have the vision, contribute to other things. There will always be plenty for the home (local) work, for there are always those who put the home (local) work first. The many worthwhile objects here at home will be cared for, since only the minority will be interested in the supreme task of the church.
If we put missions first, then we will give more to missions than to anything else. Otherwise something else takes first place. There are business men here and each one has his own business enterprise. Now there is one department in your business that you look upon as more important than any other department. Where then do you put most of your surplus money? Why, into that most important department, of course. Why do you do that? Because you want to develop the most important department of your business enterprise. So it is with missions.
*“If world evangelism is the most important work of the church, then we should put most of our money into this most important department." - Oswald J Smiths*
(Culled From Oswald James Smiths' The Challenge of Missions)
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