_Key Bible Text:_
*"Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God."* (John 20: 17 (KJV))
_Bible Insight_
Jesus' instruction to Mary Magdalene, "Touch me not," may seem puzzling, but it highlights the significance of His ascension to the Father. Jesus was not yet in His glorified state, and His ascension was necessary to complete His mission. By telling Mary not to touch Him, Jesus was emphasizing the importance of His ascension and the change that was about to take place.
Jesus' message to His brethren, "I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God," is a profound statement of the new relationship that believers have with God through Jesus. By using the phrase "my Father, and your Father," Jesus is emphasizing the familial relationship that believers have with God, and the access they have to Him through Jesus. This message is a testament to the completed work of Jesus on the cross and the new era of salvation that had begun.
This verse also highlights the importance of obedience and mission. Jesus instructs Mary to go to His brethren and deliver a message, which she promptly does (John 20:18). This demonstrates the importance of obeying Jesus' instructions and fulfilling our mission as His followers.
*As believers, we are called to share the message of Jesus with others and to fulfill our role in His mission to the world!!*
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