Hashtags on "#value"
Its been weeks😩😩
Hope we've been catching up great and the Christmas spirit has taken greater toll on us?
Its been a tough year but we are pulling through fine..â¤ï¸
So about today's write-up/video session,
The place of value can only be understood when you first find value or significant in a person or a thing.
There should be an acceptance of the fact that there is worth or respect attached to that person or thing...it's not meant to be back up lines or made up stories to make others feel they've been meaningful in your lives.
Having value or valuing should be related to finding worth or importance in what has been built over time. Saying it is another clear indication that you've known and come to accept that truth of their contribution in your advancement.
Stop this trend of glorifying relationships that are not worth glorifying or abusing the support and value people have placed on us or we on them.
Value is strong and irreplaceable (unless the value was lost over time or intentionally) and should be used in that light so people clearly cut people who are there to occupy space from people who have actually impacted into our lives; no matter how small.
Its important to note that people can value particular actions or gestures that best suits them and not the person on that light.
Its not right as sometimes it changes course to selfishness and self gratification.
On the other hand people sometimes do things that change lives but still keep themselves on points that would not attract value eg someone who lie or cheat over time can not be valued as a trusted person but his actions of philanthropy can be accepted and valued.
So value, my friends is relative but necessary in every sector if the world.
No time for liabilities!
To be valued, one must understand the place of value and how it works.
Don't sit around and wait for people to come value you...
Stand and create value for your self.
We each have things we consider valuable..
So let's not feel using that to buy people's trust or waste people's time makes the world any nicer.
Stand with true value for yourself and your future and understand the value of others in your life as we desire to be value... It seperates the wheat from the tars🥂
Thank you for liking,commenting and sharing this post..
God blessðŸ‘