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We all start this life with a family, whether that family is composed of blood relatives, adopted parents or a Foster family. This family that we acquire when we are born influences every aspect of our lives, from the first moments to our last. We are under a love-regardless forum with everyone being attached as Family to you. Indirectly, we are stuck with the obligations of every individual there in.
More so, family is not just a relationship. It is one of nature's masterpiece, it is made from the heart . Hence, family isn't about blood, it is the people in your life that wants you in their and accepts you for who you are.
Being part of a family is very challenging because it comes with different responsibilities in every stage you attain. It worth more than being called a sister, brother, mother, or father. It is about making sacrifices even at your own detriment. Your family is your utmost priority no matter how distant you are from them. You should always act like a mirror, support each other dream and stand up for one another. The greatest thing in family life is to take hint when intended.
I find it overwhelming when I see individual that are attached to their friends more than thier family. The only time they remember to appreciate their family members is during memorable events. Most of the times, we don't even know how to communicate with our family members which is absurd. We should learn how to create that get together with our family irrespective of the season, and bond between you and your family, make them feel appreciated. The most beautiful thing in this world is to see your family smiling and knowing that you're a reason behind that smile.
Although family love is messy, clinging and of an annoying and repetitive pattern. We argue, we fall out and make up. We might not have it all together but together we have it all. Our life impacts should start from our family as charity begins at home. Share your strength and your fears With your family. Make your family your friend. Always make them feel happy to have you as part of them.
In all, your family may not be the best but you can be the strengther of your family ties. â„¢ Omah writings
#tlc ..
Friendship is an extraordinary unique type of a feeling which is different from just love. friendship goes beyond just sharing time together and it is long lasting. It can be overwhelming making new companions, but it worth it in out well being
These days, a lot of people have the mindset of doing more for dating than keeping friends. They tend to discard you if you are not in a relationship with them. You must date everyone that comes your way. it is okay to keep more of friends than sexual relationship. The true fact is that there are some kind of individual you need not to date just to get close to them. However, we feel that getting close to individuals especially your opposite sex tends to be for the sake of dating.
Friendship goes far beyond any other relationship apart from family. We tend to build a new breed in ourselves other than that of the ones we make from our family and environment.
So setting friendship is important for an overall well being. It is not so much about how many friends you have, but how valued they are. In other words, setting a hierarchy of friends helps you identify what to achieve and how to set goals in regarding friendship.
You can categorize your friends into:
Those that you cherish time with, confide in, have a positive influence on you and brings out the best in you.
Friends from family or relationships that you enjoy spending time with but not necessarily confide in.
They may be your collegues, classmates, neighbours, or schoolmates . You like them and sometimes meet them outside the usual place of acquaintance but don't normally spend lot of quality time with them.
Using this as a starting point, helps you to balance your friend zone with people so as to learn how to manage friendship more than any other relationship.
Having all this in mind, we tend to know how much and how well we could keep both our intimate relationship and that of our friends.
Anger is more than just an emotion, It actually has physiological effects that occur along side of it, ranging from sweating, to increased heartbeat and blood pressure.
It is not as simple as just being either angry or not. it is a bit more complicated than that.
However, there are varying degrees of anger. most a times, it is usually some outside factor that leads you to becoming angry such as hunger, stress, depression, circumstances or thirst.
Even the happiest of people experience moments of anger from time to time.
Only when it gets out of hand or to be a problem is really something that should be worried about.
When we feel that emotion that riles us up, we also feel motivated. At first knowing how best to act is difficult, but in time the emotion of anger can drive us to create something innovative to solve a problem. The same way we innovated the idea of retaliation when angry, can be used to create something less destructive to oneself and others.
Most times, we may not know how much damage our anger has caused someone else either physically or other words, when we realize that we are having hard time managing anger, we might need to look more closely at how our lives are being structured.
Well, the positive fact is that anger teaches us to cope because we can easily work at ourselves and answer a few questions.
Hence, solving the underlying problem in this situation means planning and being more organized.
I could remember back then when I was still a little bit younger, I aways dash out my anger on my elder brother over the slightest issue. Funny enough, I noticed that he hardly retaliates immediately, instead he will leave me in the scene, ranting till I probably get tired. As little as he was then, he understood the fact that retaliation would be more harmful and decided to manage his anger by walking away. as time goes on, it made me understand that there was a need of mutual communication instead of yelling at the top of my voice over something that could be solved amicably. In his own way he believed that walking away at that moment was the best option to handle anger in a positive way.
More so, we can as well try to resolve different kind of situation that triggers anger in different ways.
The first criteria is acknowledging the fact that you are angry when you feel like it, instead of bottling it and later turns them into accumulated grievance. Try as much as possible to correct those that hurt you immediately in a polite manner no matter who that person is.
In most cases, anger caused by circumstances should be best treated by a counsellor or an accountability partner. in same vein, try as much as possible to pour out your heart to the person, if possible cry as much as you can to relief yourself.
In situations you can't handle at the moment walk away and try not to think about it for sometime.
In other words, the best approach is
Usually solving problems that caused anger in the first place and being assertive. It could be a little bit demanding, but will save a whole lot more #omahwriting
To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a whole lot of work and- with a busy schedule. Next to impossible. But the best part is. The more you accomplish,The more you will want to do, the higher you will want to reach. So as long as you have the hunger for success, You will always have the Power within you to achieve it.. Push your self cause nobody is going to do that for you.
#counsellingpsychology #writinginspiration ..
You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world and Only you can stop it from going bust.
Many appreciate you, admire you and love you. Remember that to be happy is not to have a sky without a storm, a road without accidents, work without fatigue, relationships without disappointments.
… To be happy is to find strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in the stage of fear, love in discord. It is not only to enjoy the smile, but also to reflect on the sadness.
… It is not only to celebrate the successes, but to learn lessons from the failures.
…… It is not only to feel happy with the applause, but to be happy in anonymity.
..… Being happy is not a fatality of destiny, but an achievement for those who can travel within themselves. To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim and become your destiny's author.
... It is to cross deserts, yet to be able to find an oasis in the depths of our soul.
…… It is to thank God for every morning, for the miracle of life.
Being happy is not being afraid of your own feelings. It's to be able to talk about you.
.… It is having the courage to hear a "no". It is confidence in the face of criticism, even when unjustified.
… It is to kiss your children, pamper your parents, to live poetic moments with friends, even when they hurt us.
…..To be happy is to let live the creature that lives in each of us, free, joyful and simple. It is to have maturity to be able to say: "I made mistakes". It is to have the courage to say "I am sorry".
.... It is to have the sensitivity to say, "I need you". It is to have the ability to say "I love you".
And when you make a mistake, start all over again. For only then will you be in love with life. You will find that to be happy is not to have a perfect life
But use the tears to irrigate tolerance, Use your losses to train patience, use your mistakes to sculptor serenity, use your pain to plaster pleasure, use obstacles to open windows of intelligence. Never give up .... Never give up on people who love you. Never give up on happiness,
For LIFE is an incredible show. ..
My i-quote
Don't ever say a situation made you to react. You have a choice. Response is dependent on what you know of yourself
#counsellingpsychology #writinginspiration
#writinginspiration ..