An unhealthy relationship is draining and most of the time we the ladies are always at the receiving end. So we should be able to look at this signs . Though one maybe blinded by love .
trust is the most important factor to consider in any relationship. If you can't trust someone enough, just keep that person at a distance. No negative feeling but you have to protect your emotions. Thing is, lack of trust can lead to untimely death especially to the ladies . Lack of trust can make you restless.
✓Another factor is control
Truth remains that we ought to be submissive but when all your move is being controlled by your partner, you don't have a say, no decision. He tells you what to do, what to wear, they threaten you, my dear, it's time!
✓Physical Abusive can not be overlooked. A man who hits you is not deserving of you. You are in love and want to stay , that's not love but foolishness. That's a sign no matter how many times he regrets it.
I could go on and on but just like the scripture says that our spirit beareth us witness that you are the sons and daughters of God, same is applicable to our instincts. What are the things he does you are not comfortable with but ignorantly accept because of love?