As part of the journey into @Hopeful Me, permit me to introduce myself a little...
My name is Harrison Emmanuel Elijah (Professor E Square). I am first a teacher/role model but all of a sudden I became an entrepreneur/public speaker; I can't really tell of the sudden switch but I still remain me.
I aim to reach out to everyone in the universe. I don't have some sort of coined story but a story that has transformed my totality. That story is JESUS CHRIST.
I am a graphic designer in the industry but I love meeting and interacting with people of different species.
Truth is I can talk but not out of boundary.
I love every creature. No creature is exempted.
In life never despise anyone. Learn to take people the way they are and remember that God is love....
Harrison Emmanuel Elijah (Professor E Square)
#ThePESH #Profesquareh #Understanding #WorldTrend2021