When you pity yourself to struggle early, using your youthful energy and wisdom, you will struggle the struggle in your old age, when you should be pitting yourself from stress. There are some certain things you can only do in your youthful age, many of our youths don't know this, and are thinking there is time. The funny thing about getting old is that, you hardly know it yourself despite celebrating birthdays every year until you're told or when your muscles begin to fail you.
90% of old people regret their youthful age for failing to take advantage of their energy wisely. As youths, let's be guided properly.
(1) Don't ever try to impress people.
(2) Be honest in all you do, especially to yourself.
(3) Take counsel from mature elderly people.
(4) Be discipline enough to practice every wise counsel you're previlage to get. Especially on investing, no matter how small your capital may be, it will certainly put smile on your face when you are getting old.
(5) Developing yourself positively should be a priority for every youth. The sentiment of I don't have who to train me has frustrated so many in their old age. Your youthful strength and wisdom is to enable you do small business, take up pity jobs to archive your goals.
(6) As youth, we don't have excuse for not making it in life. That's why we have wisdom of various experience on the page's of books to those of us, who don't have parental guidance.
(7) Write down a goal you intend to pursue, let the desire come within you so you won't struggle to archive it.
(8) The Bible said, the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and he will be delighted in all his ways. Never underestimate the God factor by committing everything you intend to do into God's hand. No human being on earth can protect your dreams like God your maker.
The list continues, but let's start from somewhere. Thanks for reading, and may God who has never failed any human being protect you archive greater hight in life. Do have a nice day, week and month ahead.