*USE YOUR MOUTH POSITIVELY* LK6:43-45, PSALM34:13 Remember that you are created in the image of God to function exactly like Him. Gen1:27, PSM 82:6. In God system of creation He spoke and what He express Manifested. RM4:17c. You carry the same power whether you know it or not if what you see is not what you want reject it immediately and start confessing what you want to see. What you say create what you see. Your confession give birth to your possession, say what you mean and mean what you say. Words are not ordinary they are forces whether you know it or not. There is a force behind what you say, you cannot be confessing sickness and be healthy. When you say I am sick, your entire body system receives the message what happens is that it loses its resistance against sickness. Finally Jesus invite us to come and learn about him. We must move from the natural senses to the supernatural. From now henceforth begin to say what God says about you loud and clear, not your feeling or opinion of men it suggestion of men. Speak the word if God by faith to your mountain, poverty barrenness etc. Be expecting that what you say will come to pass by faith. I am waiting for your testimony. Good night. *Rumbundoya.*