*DAILY DEW 19/JUNE/2024*
_Key Bible Text:_
*I am Wisdom --Common Sense is my closest friend; I possess knowledge and sound judgment. If you respect the LORD, you will hate evil. I hate pride and conceit and deceitful lies.* (Proverbs 8:12-13(CEV)
_Bible Insight:_
I am strong, and I offer sensible advice and sound judgment.
By my power kings govern, and rulers make lawso that are fair. Every honest leader rules with help from me.
I love everyone who loves me, and I will be found by all who honestly search. I can make you rich and famous, important and successful.
What you receive from me is more valuable than even the finest gold or the purest silver.
I always do what is right, and I give great riches to everyone who loves me. From the beginning, I was with the LORD.
I was there before he began to create the earth. At the very first, the LORD gave life to me.
When I was born, there were no oceans or springs of water.
My birth was before mountains were formed or hills were put in place.
*"It happened long before God had made the earth or any of its fields or even the dust. I was there when the LORD put the heavens in place and stretched the sky over the surface of the sea."* (Proverbs 8:26-27 (CEV))
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