*DAILY DEW 17/JUNE/2024*
*The Reward of Keeping His Commands* (9)
_Key Bible Text:_
*Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.* (Proverbs 7:25-26 (KJV))
_Bible Insight:_
There are attributes that characterize the strange (wo)man! (6)
14. Guard your heart!
The strange (wo)man manipulates the unguarded heart.
From the earliest opportunity, propose in your heart to never have anything to do with the strange (wo)man.
Propose in your heart to live a sexually pure life. Propose in your heart to never trust yourself when it comes to issues of sexual immorality and temptations.
Don't fancy and don't indulge it. Build a mindset that never takes for granted issues of the strange (wo)man!
15. Many strong (wo)men have been slain!
Godly sisters with great potential of raising godly families and doing exploits for God have been slain on the altar of the strange man!
Sweet talking men have lured them away, misled by their desire for either money or deceitful promise of marriage etc.
Dear sister, don't go down the path of destruction with a strange man!
Dear brother, guard against the strange woman! Many strange women have brought down strong men. Many mighty men of God have been reduced to nothing overnight on the laps of the strange woman!
10 minutes of pleasure have shattered a lifetime of building a godly ministry or marriage or career or reputation! Why? The strange woman was entertained and indulged.
*"Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death."* (Proverbs 7:27 (KJV))
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