*Levels of Taking Over Nations* (IV)
_Key Bible Text:_
*"And many of those who had practiced curious, magical arts collected their books and [throwing them, book after book, on the pile] burned them in the sight of everybody. When they counted the value of them, they found it amounted to 50,000 pieces of silver (about $9,300)."* (Acts 19:19(Amplified))
_Bible Insight:_
4. Exeriencing Transformation of lives in daily repentance & experience of growth
We cannot speak of taking over nations just by corrections or by winning souls or by working miracles alone. For these to really achieve the fullness of purpose, it must translate to transformation of lives.
In this Acts 19:19 we find a people who did not only claim to have been saved but openly burn their past life as it were.
You cannot hold unto the old and the new. If anyone be in Christ, the newness of life must chase out the old man's life & ways. The old become counted as haven been crucified with Christ.
At this point, you seek to please God above all else. And in seeking to please God, you are not only willing to repent but ready to do so immediately or as soon as necessary.
Repentance is to transformation what a key is to a door. You cannot become tranformed until you embrace the key of repantance.
There can never be correct christian growth until one is willing to take repentance as a daily medication.
Not repentance of repeating promises and apologies that you have litle or no commitment to actually stop endulging in.
*Repentance is for the unsaved and the saved alike. And the one who needs more repentance is the saved.* #Selah
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