*DAILY DEW 20/JULY/2023*
*The Weakness That Brings Strength*
_Key Bible Text:_
*"I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength.* (Daniel 10:3, 8 (KJV))
_Bible Insight:_
There are paradoxes in life. Also in God's design for His children and His kingdom many paradoxes exist as well.
Hamlet is notorious or popular for saying "I must be cruel to be kind"! How can that be? Does cruelty produce kindness?
In God's Kingdom, certain things appear as contradictions but are simply true and powerful. For instance, Christ was made poor that we might become rich; those who profess to be wise in their own eyes become fools in God's eyes; those who scatter abroad or give generously retain or gather more than those who withhold or hoard their blessings!
In the same vein, we must embrace weakness to become truly strong. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness.
If you come to God as strong, you will first be made weak, so you can truly become strong. And If you come to God as weak, then God makes you truly strong.
In seeking God dilligently, you must embrace the process of weakness. Long waitings on God, fervent prayers, and committed fastings will first weaken you (bodily) so that you can be strengthened spiritually. You must understand this.
Don't be afraid of the body weakness that necessarily follows intense seeking of God's presence. Embrace it. We must go through that "pain" before we can take benefits of the gains of diligently seeking God.
*“Are you still afraid of seeking God in fastings and prayers because of the physical toll it has on your body? Don't be! Your physical weakness is the temporary down payment for your gain of spiritual stamina and weight!"*
*#Hello_JULY,2023* â¤
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