_Key Bible Text:_
*"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."* (Matthew 5:8 (KJV))
_Bible Insight:_
Jesus made tough demands on those who wish to see God! If you are grown up, even if you are only eight years old, you will understand that it is humanly impossible to be pure in heart. If we want to see God, that is enter into His Kingdom, we have to be pure in HEART.
I am not necessarily speaking of sexual immorality although it is a very serious matter. Sexual impurity in thoughts starts to afflict some people from their early teen age, and the rest from the middle teen age to their grave. It is a sin with a tenacious hold on its victims. Where it cannot soil them on the outwards, it will reside and possess the inside—the heart.
I am focussed on anger in the heart, bitterness in the heart, pride in the heart, evil thoughts in the heart, vengeance in the heart, scorn and disdain in the heart, hate in the heart, prejudiice in the heart, cheating in the heart, assault and even murder in the heart, and envy, jealousy and theft, all in the heart.
What can a person do considering that only the pure in heart shall see God (Matt. 5:8)? The heart is hidden yet so delicate that it can attract and keep impureness for a life without being detected by an outsider. It is deceitful and desperately wickedness.
Though outsider may not see the heart or know what is going on there, God sees it clearly! So, Jesus shed His blood to wash clean our indelibly dirty heart. After washing, our heart sparkles! Halleluiah!
But then, the devil roams about with his filth and dirt buckets, seeking whom to dirty. And, oh, how easily it is to get dirty in heart! A sight, a word, a thought could dirty our hearts. We seem so vulnerable, yet God demands purity of the heart.
2 Corinthians 7:1 says we should cleanse ourselves of ALL filthiness of the flesh and of the SPIRIT. James 1:21 says we must lay aside ALL filthiness for God has not called us unto uncleanliness but unto holiness (1 Thess. 4:7).
So, we’ve got a job to do. We need to watch over our heart. We need to build a fence and a filter over our heart. We need to infuse it with the Spirit, immerse it in the Word and constantly sprinkle it with the Blood.
Should any atom of uncleanness sip in, we should immediately isolate it, and flush it out. The need for purity is uncompromising. We want to see God; don’t we?
*To keep a sparkling white cloth clean in a filthy environment requires being intentional and vigilant. The Word says, "Take heed to yourself..." It tells us to be "watchful and sober" and to "watch and pray". I have seen people jump off the sidewalk even before a car driving through a pool of dirty water gets to where they are.*
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