_Key Bible Text:_
*In the same way, your light must shine before people so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.* (Matthew 5:16 (GNV)
_Bible Insight:_
Light is in categories. There is the light of the moon, there is the light of the stars, there is the light of the sun, and there is the light of electricity.
As these light exist in the physical categories, so also are there degrees of light in the spiritual aspect.
What kind of light are you shining?
The Bible text gave us a command that we should let our light "So" shine....This means your light can be shining but there is a stage that it will so shine before men will see your good works, and glorify God in You.
Have you gotten to this stage where the light of God is shining in You and people come to the brightness of it and glorify God. Shine the light of God.... Let it so shine until the life of Christ is recognized in you!
*"The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people."* John 1:4 (Good News Version)
(Do well to read in other versions.)
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