He took my pains and gave me his gains.
Even with all my stains, he still turned me into a saint.
He bridged the gap between I and God.
He fought my battles so as to keep me from another fall.
All at His expense, but He still went even to that extent.
Jesus Christ is not just my victor, I call him my victory.
He is my father and he is also my best friend.
In the dark he is my light and at night he still remains my star.
I owe him alot yet he doesn't ask me for much.
He believed in me when I had nothing within.
With tears in my eyes I speak from my heart.
Thank you Jesus for shining your light into my world.
I am beautiful today just because of your word.
I'm writing this to you, thank you for seeing me through.
Though am not a poet, but I hope you love this poem.
- Hopeful Me!