By Olaitan Okubote
5th August, 2018 | 1428 Views | 0 Comments
Label: gcempowerme on Instagram
5th August, 2018 | 1428 Views | 0 Comments
Do you have any fear in you?
Category: MotivationLabel: gcempowerme on Instagram
Do you have any fears in you?
Keeping those fears in you will make you to remain a mediocre.
Fear has kept many people behind bars, in bondage of what does not exist. F.E.A.R stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.
Many are afraid to take steps, the fear of failure has kept many from doing something new. While the fear of "death, criticism " is also keeping people from standing up for what is right and going against the traditional way of doing things. People who have been kept bound by fear will always remain where they are without achieving anything great. They are passive, living a mediocre life, blaming this and that for their woes. They are the people who often accuse other successful people as using cunning means. Even though some may use cunning means but not all.
No man can fulfill destiny in the prison of fear, you've got to overcome fear to fulfill your mandate. Fear has destroyed lives, putting them in shackles of " I can't do it", "I can't achieve it", "the project is too big for me to handle ", "Nobody has ever done that before or people that tried it failed in the past ". Giving excuses for their inability to do something better with their life. Even if God bless you with an idea, He won't come down to do it for you.
Ability +Responsibility = Success
Which means we have a role to play to achieve greatness. People don't believe in their ability, gift or talents. People see themselves as inferior, they cried day and night for solution to come from somewhere, but the ability, the answer is within. Everybody is created alike with different abilities, so others are not better than you. They are probably doing what you refused to do, they believe they can do anything.
Have faith in God and in your abilities. Never allow fear to crippled you, living a disabled life. Just free your mind of every False Evidence Appearing Real(FEAR) and enjoy your life, help people and fulfill your purpose.
Fear exist only in your mind to keep you from attempting something great. Every great men both dead and alive had to overcome fear, if not the world would not have known them.
It's time to start changing your fear mindset into more positive ways.
Olaitan Okubote
Motivational Speaker at Hopeful Me
Ogun , NigeriaNobody is interested in what you passed through to become successful, people celebrate victory and not war, success and not the days of struggle.
- My favorite Quote
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